Referral Partners Program

Gain exclusive access to high-intent leads, meticulously cultivated through our website's strategic marketing efforts led by top-tier experts in the field.

Welcome to Our Referral Partners Program!

Ready to take your real estate game to the next level? Join us as a referral partner! By teaming up with us, you’ll gain exclusive access to high-intent leads, meticulously cultivated through our website’s strategic marketing efforts led by top-tier experts in the field. As a valued referral partner, you’ll receive access to our advanced CRM system, revolutionizing your lead management process and supercharging your efficiency. Plus, buckle up for personalized drip campaigns tailored to nurture and seal the deal with those high-quality leads. 

By teaming up with us, you'll gain exclusive access to high-intent leads, meticulously cultivated through our website's strategic marketing efforts led by top-tier experts in the field.

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Referral Partner Benefits

Quality Leads
We offer our agent partners high-quality leads through a meticulous curation process. Our team utilizes advanced targeting techniques and market research to identify potential clients who are actively seeking real estate services. These leads are carefully vetted to ensure they match the expertise and service areas of our agent partners.
CRM System
Effortless lead management is at your fingertips with our integrated CRM system. Our CRM consolidates everything you need in one user-friendly interface. Seamlessly track interactions, update client information, and prioritize tasks with ease. Stay connected with your leads like never before through personalized emails, calls, and reminders.
Drip Campaigns
Our custom designed drip campaigns assist you to nurture relationships effectively by sending timely communications tailored to each client's needs and preferences. Whether it's following up on a showing, sending market updates, or scheduling a check-in call, our drip campaigns keep you engaged with your clients every step of the way.
Built In Marketing
We've integrated a real estate marketing company directly into our platform, dedicated to bringing in high-intent real estate leads for you. Through targeted advertising, SEO strategies, and lead generation campaigns, our in-house marketing team ensures a steady stream of potential clients actively seeking real estate services.
Lead Generating Website
Our lead generating website serves as an innovation hub, providing cutting-edge features designed for effective lead capture. We maintain a vast property database that encompasses various developments, from new build condos to homes. Our robust lead capture mechanisms and advanced algorithms, work together seamlessly to generate a consistent flow of qualified leads.
3 Membership Tiers
Whether agents are just starting out or looking to expand their operations, our multiple membership tiers provide them with the flexibility and resources they need to succeed in the competitive real estate market. As agents progress through our tiers, they can unlock additional features and benefits to support their ongoing growth and success.

Meet the iDreamRealEstate Team!

Sean Thomas
Sean Thomas

Meet Sean Thomas – he’s not just your realtor, he’s also your neighbor and fellow community member. Not only does he love where he lives, he knows where he lives.

Bre Woloschuk
Real Estate Agent
Bre Woloschuk
Real Estate Agent

Meet Breann, your expert realtor specializing in new developments in Victoria, BC! With a deep passion for real estate and a knack for spotting emerging opportunities, Breann fuels her dedication to helping clients find their ideal home in this vibrant community.  Now focused on new developments, Breann is leading the charge in Victoria's evolving real estate scene. 

Kirsten Aldwell
Lead Acquisition Specialist
Kirsten Aldwell
Lead Acquisition Specialist

Meet Kirsten, our expert in lead acquisition and real estate marketing! Kirsten brings extensive experience as a lead acquisition specialist. Her strategic approach ensures high-quality leads for our referral partners. As a real estate marketing specialist, Kirsten excels in crafting compelling campaigns that drive REAL results. 

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Sean Thomas PREC
RE/MAX Generation

Bre Woloschuk
RE/MAX Generation



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